Islamic Community Center of Tempe

About Directory

In 1984, ICC Tempe Mosque was established just north of the campus of Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, Arizona. Its beautiful architecture is modeled after the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem; the eight-sided structure has a minaret and a gold dome. Prior to establishing the center, Muslims used to gather in local homes or commute to Phoenix mosques for Friday prayers. Today, the mosque has grown tremendously from its humble beginnings in 1984. The Islamic Center of Tempe is one of the largest mosque in Tempe, Arizona and boasts one of the most diverse congregations with congregants virtually from every part of the world with congregants representing more than 75 nationalities. The center has become the leader in civic engagement, interfaith, social and community service efforts in the Phoenix-Metro and Tempe Area. The center also is the primary provider for funeral services and social services for the Muslim community in the Phoenix-Metro and Tempe Area and has a full time K-8 school called Noor Academy.

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